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9 Tips on How to Lose Weight in 30 Days From Home

How to lose weight? - One of the most common queries relating to health in present times. To cater to this need, numerous methods or programs have also cropped up. But how can we decide on the best way to lose weight among them? What should we be looking for while opting for a weight loss program? We should focus on getting healthier rather than just shedding the extra kilos. A healthy weight loss helps prevent rebound and aids in maintaining the lost weight. Therefore, choosing a healthy way to lose weight is unquestionably correct. But, is it possible to lose weight healthily while staying within the confines of home? Absolutely!

Here are 9 practical tips if you are looking to lose weight in 30 days from home

1. Avoid Sugar Sugar is undeniably the Dietary Villain of this era. It not only poses a serious threat to our health, right from head to toe, but it also tampers with our sense of taste. It is a tough addiction to do away with. Excessive sugar consumption in the form of sucrose (table sugar) and highly processed foods leads to weight gain and obesity. But when we say cut down on sugar, people stop taking sugar in tea, but they take 3-4 biscuits with tea! So, understanding this fact is important because sugar in any form can be hazardous to health. Therefore, the first thing to implement is to cut these harmful elements from your meals. Avoiding sugary processed foods creates room for nutrient-dense options in your diet. It helps reduce cravings and also promotes better mood and mental clarity. Check it out for 14 days and feel the difference yourself.

avoid sugar

2. Stay Active Sitting is the new smoking. Yes, you heard that right! Research backs that less physical activity and sedentary behavior contribute to weight gain that, over time, can potentially lead to high blood sugar and high cholesterol. Studies have shown that metabolism slows to almost 90 percent after 30 minutes of sitting. But, the good news is - counteracting the ill effects of sitting is quite simple. According to a study published in the American Journal of Physiology–Endocrinology & Metabolism, moving for three minutes every 30 minutes of waking hours can significantly lower the risks of prolonged sitting. So, move around. One of the best ways to keep reminding yourself is to set an alarm every hour, get up and walk for 5 minutes, and then come back to resume your work. Repeat this until it becomes a habit.

stay active

3. Avoid Late Night Meals A late-night meal is like a warm hug for your stomach. Though many would vouch for this, the reality is just the contrary. Eating late at night can disrupt digestion and sleep. When we eat late at night, the digestive processes remain at work. So, the body is denied the rest it requires. But when we eat well ahead of bedtime, the body gets ample time to digest the food, which helps improve the quality of sleep. Studies show that dining early also improves blood glucose levels. How does it feel when someone wakes you up at midnight while you are sleeping deep? The same thing you are doing to your organs when you eat late. Our organs need rest to perform. And if you don't understand now, organs will make you realize soon. So finish your dinner before 9 to start with.

avoid late night meals

4. Manage Stress Rightly said – Stress is the trash of modern life. Be it at work, home, or societal front, stressful situations have become part and parcel of our lives. Chronic stress is one of the leading contributors to unhealthy weight gain. It results in hormonal imbalances, including increased cortisol or stress hormones. Research proves elevated cortisol levels have a fat-storing effect and can potentially cause accumulation of belly fat. Hence, to keep stress at bay, it is essential to adopt strategies like yoga, pranayams or, breathing exercises, meditation, spending time with nature, and ensuring a good sleep. Combating stress is one of the vital keys to healthy weight loss. So, instead of complaining you have stress, implement a way to address it .

manage stress

5. Include A Workout Regimen This is a no-brainer. An appropriate workout regimen is fundamental for healthy weight loss. Regular workouts help activate the fat-burning hormones in the body and keep them at optimum levels. Together with a proper diet and nutrition, regular exercise helps with sustainable weight loss from focused areas like belly fat, love handles, etc. However, different people may require separate forms of workout. Some people struggle with how to reduce tummy, while others may need to address lower body fat. So, it is important to do the right workout as per your body and need. It's imperative to take expert advice and start with the right exercise plan.

workout regimen

6. Develop A Consistent Sleep Schedule Good sleep – is the most underrated yet one of the most crucial parameters of a weight loss journey. Getting enough sleep during the night and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can positively impact our weight loss progress.

Aren't we aware of the fact that sleep is important, why still so many cases of insomnia then?

A few pointers to keep in mind for proper sleep –

  • Avoid high-carbohydrate foods or sweets at night.

  • Avoid spicy fried foods.

  • Avoid non-vegetarian at night. If you want to have, include them as soups.

  • Keep electronics gadgets aside at least an hour prior to sleep.

Remember, lack of sleep disrupts hunger-regulating hormones, slowing metabolism. Let your body undergo essential restorative processes during sleep. Adequate sleep allows the body to recover from exercises better and aids in weight loss efforts.

woman sleeping with mask on her eyes

7. Have A Customized Diet Diet plays a central role in weight loss. Eating healthy and avoiding junk, high-carb processed foods is indispensable if we intend to lose weight fast. Focus on a variety of nutrient-dense foods helps keep us satiated and nourished. However, having a diet plan for weight loss suited to our body's needs is pivotal. Every ‘body’ is unique, and so are its needs. To get those addressed, professional guidance is the best way out. In order to lose weight fast, many opt for weight-loss drinks or weight-loss tablets and skip meals. These options are best left alone, as they may not be healthy and sustainable in the long run.

woman having healthy diet

8. Have A Nutrition Plan Just as diet is critical, it is not enough. The reason is the insufficient nutrient content of the food available to us these days. Due to various farming practices, excessive usage of pesticides and insecticides & adulteration, the food quality has drastically dropped in the past few decades. Even the way we cook adds to the nutrient loss from food. If we observe, all the health issues around are lifestyle issues. Even for a minor case like hairfall, we try finding solution in external products. Instead, if we just check out the nutrition in our food, we will get all our answers. It is crucial to fulfill your daily dietary requirements with the help of an expert. In addition to supporting your body during the healthy weight loss journey, good nutrition also helps curb cravings

nutrition plan

9. Seek Personalized Coaching Losing weight can be challenging. But expert-tailored guidance can change the game. The tips shared above can help bring down the numbers on the weighing scale. Yet, personalized coaching can be a supportive approach to make all of the above a reality and reach your target. A personalized coach assesses you, based on which sets realistic weight loss goals, and designs your customized diet plan, nutrition plan, and plan of the best exercise for weight loss. In addition, a good coach keeps you accountable and monitors your progress throughout the journey. A coach can be a great support & motivator who handholds you toward your health goal.

personalized coaching

When you are looking to lose weight fast from home, treading on the right path is decisive. Remember, an increase in weight is just a symptom of a much bigger underlying issue or imbalance in the body. Hence, the focus should be on healing the body rather than only weight loss. Instead of following random weight loss tips, choose the strategy that aims to promote good health.



Shampa Basu
Shampa Basu

Excellent info


Sudip Sarkar
Sudip Sarkar

it will be benificial for those who want better health and energetic life. thank you for sharing.


Tanbir Amin
Tanbir Amin

Excellent practical information which can be implemented. Thank you for sharing.


Rajashree Sinha Dutta
Rajashree Sinha Dutta

Very informative

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